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Text File | 1990-11-01 | 12.0 KB | 262 lines | [TEXT/MACA] |
- The Volume Manager FKEY version 2.1
- -------------------------------------
- Relase Date: November 1, 1990
- This software is copyright ©1990 by Brian Novack. All rights reserved.
- The author makes no guarantees as to the usability of this software
- and is not liable for any damage to hardware, software, data, or any
- other potential liability (including data loss, lost wages, burnt
- toast, etc...) resulting from the proper or improper use of this
- software.
- <This document was written in 9 point Monaco>
- About The Volume Manager FKEY:
- This FKEY allows you to set the current speaker volume without
- having to open the Control Panel. This saves time since it usually
- takes the Control Panel a few seconds or more to open, whereas this
- FKEY comes up almost instantly. It is user configurable, and works
- in almost any application.
- Please read the installation instructions which follow the "Notice" and
- "How to Contact the Author."
- Notice:
- This software is not free. I am asking that if you use this software
- more than once, please register it by sending the author $10.00.
- A lot of time and effort went into this software, and the author
- will not provide support anyone who is not registered. This is
- only fair, since if you are not willing to support me, I am not
- willing to support you.
- ---> Those who pay the $10.00 will be able to request (directly from the
- ---> author) one copy of the latest version on disk for free. This would
- ---> probably be a version with new features not released into the
- ---> shareware market. I will not send you a "virgin" copy of the same
- ---> version that you already have unless you request it.
- This software is made strictly for use on the Macintosh line of
- personal computers manufactured by Apple Computer, Inc.
- Apple Computer is not responsible for this software, and has no
- liability toward it.
- This software has been tested as thoroughly as possible, however,
- it is not possible to test it for every permutation of equipment
- and software. Any bugs found in this software should be reported
- directly to the author.
- This software will run under System 7, but it has not been thoroughly
- tested, so bugs are bound to come up. I will try to fix these bugs
- before System 7 is released.
- If you plan to distribute this software, this documentation and the
- files that came with it must be included and set up in Configure mode,
- and it must be distributed for free.
- Modification of this software is strictly prohibited without the
- express written consent of the author. Permission is not granted
- to resell this software (other than for reasonable reproduction costs
- by a non-profit user group). If you do sell this software without the
- authors written permission, you must pay the author $10.00 per copy
- of the software sold. This includes public domain disks. If you
- want to include this software on a public domain disk or with a
- commercial product, please contact the author regarding his very
- reasonable terms. Failure to do so would result in possible legal
- action in addition to the above charges.
- How to Contact the Author:
- Brian Novack
- 110 Bellington Lane
- St. Louis, Missouri 63141
- America Online : AFC Brian <--- best way.
- AppleLink : COMPUTEC
- CompuServe : 72727,1714 <--- worst way, since I don't log on too much there.
- GEnie : B.NOVACK
- Special Thanks to the Beta Testers:
- Joe Zobkiw for his unending ability to find something wrong with it
- Randy Simon for his advice and help in editing this document
- Gary Amstutz for his suggestions on the interface
- Kevin Altis for his ability to discover that if you remove a resource,
- it will most likely crash
- How to install:
- Use one of the following methods to install the FKEY:
- SuitCase II users : Open the file "The Volume Manager FKEY v2.1"
- (you will have to select Show All Types).
- Copy the file Vm FKEY.Data into your current
- system folder.
- ResEdit users : Open the file "The Volume Manager FKEY v2.1"
- Copy the resource FKEY into your system file
- (not the Finder, but the file named System)
- -Open The Volume Manager FKEY v2.1
- •Open the FKEY resource
- •Select the FKEY for The Volume Manager
- •Select Copy from the edit menu
- -Open the file System
- •Select Paste from the Edit Menu
- -Save changes
- -Quit
- Copy the file Vm FKEY.Data into your current
- system folder.
- Installer users : (This is the Installer application that)
- (that was included with System Software)
- (version 6.0.4 or later. )
- Create a floppy disk named "Untitled" (without
- the quotes) and install a minimal system and
- finder on it. To make the system file as small
- as possible to fit on a floppy, remove its
- fonts and DAs by using Font/DA Mover.
- Copy the file Installer (version 3.0.1, which
- can be found on your system software disks
- after 6.0.4) onto the floppy.
- Copy the FKEY, Data file, and Installer Script
- for The Volume Manager v2.1 onto the floppy.
- Reboot your computer using the floppy disk you
- just created and double click on the installer
- script.
- Insert (or select) a disk that contains a system
- and finder, and click on the INSTALL button to
- install the FKEY onto this disk.
- Other users : Copy the file Vm FKEY.Data into your current
- system folder.
- Follow the instructions for your FKEY installer
- application.
- How to Activate:
- The default ID for this FKEY is 9. To activate it, you hold
- down on the <shift> and <command> keys and type a 9. This will
- activate it using the mode which was set in the Configure area.
- *****Holding down the <Caps Lock> key in addition to the <Shift> and
- <Command> keys will cause The Volume Manager to enter the
- Configure mode, regardless of the current setting.
- This FKEY will NOT change the cursor from its current setting.
- This is done so that any applications you have running will not
- be interfered with. If this poses a problem, contact the author.
- The Dialogs:
- All of the dialog boxes (except the About boxes) used in this FKEY
- are movable. When moved, the windows behind it will not be redrawn
- until you exit the FKEY.
- The Modes:
- Configure - This will allow you to set the switch values,
- the current volume level, and which mode is to be
- used when The Volume Manager is activated. Holding
- down the <CapsLock> key when activating the Volume
- Manager will force this mode to be used regardless
- of the current setting. The switch levels can only
- be changed with the mouse and not the keyboard
- (The keys 0-7 will work on the Current setting).
- If the Save Window Positions box is checked, it will
- save the window locations for you.
- Manual - This will allow you to set the speaker volume
- through the slide bar (and keyboard).
- Switch - This will allow you to switch between 2 volume
- levels which can be modified in the Configure mode.
- It will beep once at the new volume level to
- let you know the switch was successful.
- Instant - Here you can set the volume just by typing a new
- volume level (0-7). If you want to cancel, then
- you type in a key (not 0-7) or click inside of
- the dialog box that requests the new volume.
- The Controls:
- About - Brings up the About Box for The Volume Manager.
- To advance to the next about box, click with the mouse
- or press either the <Return> or <Enter> keys.
- Temp - This feature allows the current setting to be used for
- the new speaker volume on a temporary basis. This means
- that the new speaker volume level is not saved in the
- clock chip inside of your computer. It will beep the
- speaker once at this temporary volume.
- Cancel - Cancel allows you to discard any changes you have made,
- and will restore the current speaker volume to the
- current value which is stored inside the clock chip.
- Ok - Ok will store the current value of the Manual slide bar
- into the clock chip, and write any changes in the
- configuration to the Volume Manager's data file. It
- will beep once at the new volume level.
- Other - The buttons located below the slide bars allow you to
- "test" the current volume level which that slide bar
- represents by beeping the speaker at that level.
- Keyboard Equivalents:
- The following keys DO NOT require that the <command> key (the one with
- the funny square symbol) be held down. You can hold it down, but it
- really isn't that important. The 0-7 keys will not change the value
- of the switches when in Configure mode, but will change the current
- value in the Manual slide bar.
- A - About
- T - Temp
- . - Cancel
- Return/Enter - Ok, next about box
- Caps lock - When activating the FKEY, will force it into the
- configure mode.
- C - Works in all but Switch mode. It will take the
- dialog box, center it on the screen and tell the
- FKEY to center all dialogs and not save window
- positions. This operation can only be canceled
- while in the Configure mode.
- 7 - Set current volume (7 = loudest)
- 6 - Set current volume
- 5 - Set current volume
- 4 - Set current volume
- 3 - Set current volume
- 2 - Set current volume
- 1 - Set current volume
- 0 - Set current volume (0 = silent)
- Errors:
- 1 beep when activating: There is not enough memory to run.
- Try closing some inits and/or CDEV's.
- Problem with the data file: Replace the data file or (at your own
- risk if the file is damaged) reset the
- File Busy flag on the data file.
- Allready active: The FKEY can't be called twice. If the
- FKEY was not active, then please contact
- the author.
- Extra:
- If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this software,
- please contact me directly. It was through user support and
- suggestions that version 2 became a reality. What is in store
- store for version 3, is entirely up to you.